Explore Our Beliefs

Below are some links leading to a journey through the Bible to discover some of the beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists. You are welcome to explore them, answer the questions and journey through a beautiful field of Bible knowledge.

The answers will go to the minister, who will send you a print-out of your answers and help you should you have any questions. Hope you find the following studies helpful on your spiritual journey.  

If you have trouble answering the questions, or you need more information regqarding any of the topics or questions, try our CONTACT US page

Seventh-day Adventist Beliefs about:

1. The Bible as The Word of God

2. The Godhead as a Triune God

3. God, The Father

4. God, The Son - Jesus

5. God, The Holy Spirit

6. The Experience of Salvation

7. The BIG Picture - Behind the Scenes

8. The Nature of Humanity

9. What Happens When Humans Die?

10. Creation - Intelligent Design or Chance?

11. Growing in Christ - Power and Protection through God

12. The Second Coming of Christ.

13. The Ten Commandments

14. The Sabbath - Origin, Existence and Future

15. The Millennium and the End of Sin

16. Stewardship - My Time, My Possessions, My Life

17. Marriage and the Family

18. The New Earth - Reality and Life on the New Earth

19. Jesus'Ministry in Heaven

21 Christian Behaviour

22. The Church and its role in the World

23. Spiritual Gifts and Ministry within the Church

24. The Gift of Prophecy

25. The Lord's Supper and Communion

26. Baptism

27. Unity in the Body of Christ

28. What about the Remnant Church?

If you have trouble answering the questions, or you need more information regqarding any of the topics or questions, try our CONTACT US page